Hi there, this is the first post of my new blog.
Previously having one at wretch cc, but unable to manage it well.
Then, I lost access to my account as they changed the system.
Before this, I just follow the crowd, so my old blog turn out to be a failure.
Without commitment, I'm so lazy to update my blog
Without passion, meaningless for me doing what I'm doing.
No aim, No goal, No target...I'm lost.
Now that I've made up my mind, I feel that I really have to do something for myself.
~Don't follow the flow, it'll carry you away...
~Follow your feelings, they'll bring you to the deepest side of your heart;
~Follow your thoughts, they'll bring you to the wise part of your mind;
~Voice out your feelings and thoughts, share with those who care...
~For these are the reasons why my blog is created.
I'm going to nurture this new blog with my love, my passion and everything of mine...
Blog can be personal as well as public.
Everyone can get unlimited access to the content of my blog.
I share good and bad things here;
I share my joys and frustrations here;
I may let go of my stress here, since it's difficult for me to express in real life;
It'll definitely hurt someone, if I do so...
Just to say in advance, if you came across any harsh word in my post, please don't feel offended.
You are not the targeted person, for sure!
And make yourself blind, if this can let you feel better...
However, I'll try to be polite, for this is the nature of me...hehe(n_n)